Applied Behavior Analysis (ABA)
Applied Behavior Analysis (ABA) is an evidence-based treatment approach that is commonly used to support individuals with autism spectrum disorder (ASD) and other intellectual/developmental disabilities (I/DD). ABA can help individuals develop and strengthen various skillsets and mitigate unsafe behaviors. Individuals receiving ABA engage in one-on-one interpersonal therapy overseen by a Board-Certified Behavior Analyst (BCBA).
Assessment and Evaluation
Several types of assessments/evaluations are available. This process collects information regarding skills and challenges. Specific skill areas such as developmental, behavioral, social, and functional living are available for further assessment. Through the assessment process, information is summarized, and recommendations are provided.
Behavioral Support
Behavioral support works in tandem with a variety of services. These can be done through working directly with the individual, providing training and instruction in the areas of behavioral challenges, activities of daily living, social interaction, communication, community living skills, independence, self-advocacy, and other functional skills in the home, program locations, and community environments.
Behavior Therapy
Through behavior therapy, an individual works directly with a Board-Certified Behavior Analyst (BCBA) or Board-Certified Assistant Behavior Analyst (BCaBA) in developing positive behavior strategies when dealing with challenging issues and/or situations. Consultation and Training Offered to families, schools, community stakeholders, or other agencies. Consultation and training may either be tailored to recipients’ needs to best provide them with a better understanding of autism spectrum disorders and the best practices, techniques, and strategies to support people with ASD and other I/DDs.
Community Networking
Community Networking, formerly known as Community Integration, coordinates and provides support for valued and active participation in integrated activities that build on the individual’s interest, preferences, gifts, and strengths while reflecting the person’s goals with regard to community involvement and membership.
Day Habilitation
Day Habilitation services are designed to assist individuals acquire, improve, and retain the selfhelp, socialization, and adaptive skills that enhance social development and develop skills in performing activities of daily living (ADLs) and community living. Activities and environments are designed to foster the acquisition of skills, building positive social behavior, interpersonal competence, greater independence, and personal choice.
Early Intervention (EI)
Early intervention services work with children aged five and younger to increase their abilities to communicate and interact with family members and others in their life. EI also focuses on decreasing harmful behaviors such as self-injurious behavior and aggression, by replacing those behaviors with safe, functional options.
Employment Services
Judevine Center for Autism is an Employment First agency. We believe that everyone, including people with Autism Spectrum Disorders and intellectual and developmental disabilities, are capable of participating in competitive, integrated employment (CIE). CIE means that an individual has a job with the same pay, benefits, interpersonal exchanges, and advancement opportunities as other employees without disabilities in similar positions.
- Prevocational – Prevocational services focus on developing generalized, non-job task specific
skills needed to succeed in competitive, integrated employment (settings where compensation is at or above minimum wage). Services prepare the individual to attain the highest level of independence and autonomy in the most integrated employment setting aligned with the individual’s interests, abilities, and capabilities. - Career Planning – Career planning is a comprehensive individualized service which supports an individual with vocational discovery, identification of career themes, and development of a plan to achieve competitive integrated employment or self-employment goals. Activities may include job exploration, job shadowing, informational interviewing, assessment interests and skills, and community observations.
- Job Development – Job Development is available to individuals that may need assistance in obtaining competitive, integrated employment (CIE) and promotes the greatest degree of integration, independence, and autonomy. Services may include: completing job applications, job interviewing activities, job task analysis, and negotiation and education with prospective Employers.
- Supported Employment – The goal of this service is sustained paid employment at or above the minimum wage in an integrated setting in the general workforce, in a job that meets personal and career goals. Services may include: on-the-job training in work and work-related skills (e.g. job coaching to facilitate the acquisition, and ongoing performance, of the essential functions of the job and the facilitation of natural supports; ongoing retention, supervision, and monitoring of the individual’s performance (i.e. evaluating self-maintenance strategies, work production and the effectiveness of natural supports which promote the greatest degree of inclusion, integration, and autonomy); training in related skills needed to retain integrated, community-based employment, (i.e. supporting and facilitating strategies which promote attendance and social inclusion in the workplace based upon individualized assessed need such as community resources and public transportation).

Individualized Supported Living (ISL)
ISL settings provide individualized support to people with developmental disabilities who live in
homes of their choice. They may live alone or with roommate(s). Supports provided may vary from 24-hour support to occasional drop-in support. This service enables people to be fully integrated into their community, as well as enhance their independent living skills.
Parent Training
Provided to parents, guardians, and family members to gain a better understanding of autism spectrum disorders. The Judevine training model is rooted in the evidence-based principles of applied behavior analysis within a social exchange context. This training focuses on techniques and strategies that have been proven successful in supporting people.
This service can be provided at home or in the community. It is intended to give relief to the primary caregiver(s) while addressing specific goals designed by the individual’s support team.
Social Skills Groups
Provides direct instruction in a group setting to children and/or adults. Areas specifically addressed would be individualized to meet the needs of group participants, but may include building and enhancing social, communication, and interpersonal skills, recreational activities, and positive behavior strategies.